Aparna’s Reading at the Book Launch
Aparna would be delighted to participate in your book club to discuss The Scent of Mogra and Other Stories. Here are some examples of discussion questions:
- What role does social pressure and perception play in the lives of the women in the stories?
- Women gain strength from one another from a sense of sisterhood as, for instance, in the #MeToo movement, but is that enough to change social norms? Do the main characters in the stories get adequate support from other women?
- What do the central characters of the stories have in common and how do they differ?
- Compare and contrast any two stories.
- Do you think that “The Scent of Mogra and Other Stories” has an overall vision that it is trying to convey? If so, what is it?

Aparna Kaji Shah
Aparna has read from some of the stories included in her debut collection, “The Scent of Mogra and Other Stories” at the University of Toronto (OISE), as part of the Wonderful Women Writers Series, at the Toronto Public Library, as well as at a literary café. In Mumbai, she has read from her work at The Oxford Book Shop. Aparna recently had a successful launch for her book, “The Scent of Mogra and Other Stories” in Toronto. The launch was sponsored by her publishers, Inanna Publications and the IFOA (Toronto Lit Up). She is looking forward to readings, interviews and book signing in Toronto and elsewhere.